Our previous Challengers have been grinning from ear to ear... and a few of them have let us show you just what's possible.
So as you would agree, a picture (or a few!) speaks a thousand words which is why we want you to see for yourself some of the amazing results achieved in such a short period of time by previous Challengers!
Regardless of your age, gender, weight, height or current fitness level...
we want YOU to succeed with us in the '6 Week Challenge'
Lost 20.5 kgs (18.6% body fat loss) over 3 challenges (22 wks) & a huge 76.8cms!
Dropped her visceral fat 10 levels - 15 to 5
Increased her InBody score by 11, changing her body composition dramatically.
Lost a total of 15kgs Body Fat (11.6% body fat loss) over 2 challenges (14 wks) & a huge 51 cms
Dropped her Visceral fat 6 levels – 13 to 6 (over half!)
Increased her InBody score by 10
Has been able to reduce her insulin intake
Lost 8.5kgs & a huge 33.5cms
Increased Inbody score by 7 points
Dropped visc fat by 6 points bringing it to 12
Lost 5.9 kgs body fat loss (7% body fat loss) & 14.9 cms
Gained 1.1 kgs of MM
Dropped her Visceral fat 5 levels – 14 to 9
Increased her InBody score by 8