Christmas Tips To Make This Summer One To Remember! Part 2

Christmas Self Care

Today I'd like to share with you 'Part 2' of my 'Christmas Tips To Make This Summer One To Remember!'. If you haven't read Part 1 you can get access from the URL below. It's a great read - if I say so myself lol 😉
Now for Part 2 - I've called... 'TIPS FOR MOOD, MINDSET AND MOVING'.
Did you know that the food's we eat have a direct effect on our moods and how we feel, a well as exercise? This is why eating the right foods and enjoying exercise is more than just to lose weight or look good. It's actually good for our mental health and well being. Here are some SIMPLE but EFFECTIVE tools to keep you on track and not stressed with all the hustle and bustle that this time of year may bring.

1. Set realistic goals.
Come New Year's Resolution time, it's easy to set big goals about weight loss (like dropping 3 dress sizes by Feb!) Since unachievable or impractical targets can slow down long term weight loss (as well as being disheartening), it's important to address these goals before making and health and fitness changes. Goals need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Based). Research shows that specific and challenging goals lead to better performance and actually achieving results. Write down your goals and post them somewhere that's highly visible (such as your fridge door). If you want to know more how to set your goals effectively, then let me know and I will happily fill you in. 🙂
2. Time for yourself.
Take time out. We all need some time to ourselves to rejuvenate and refresh. This in turn helps us keep our emotions in check and prevent possible 'emotional eating'. Emotional eating to make ourselves feel better when we're down or anxious will interfere with weight loss goals. Quiet time, listening to music, reading or prayer can help binge or emotional eaters become aware of how they turn to food to deal with emotions. (This is especially important at parties where a ton of food is on display and readily available). Using food to fill our emotional needs will have a spiralling effect and will not bring long term results and gratification.
3. Believe in yourself and be positive.
BELIEF always influences BEHAVIOUR. What are your beliefs about yourself, your goals and your future? You need to believe, to be able to succeed. Are your beliefs setting you up for success? Because your actions and behaviour are determined by them.
Many of us punish ourselves for indulgences or even demonise certain foods. Instead, positive messages like “I can control my eating”, “I'm proud that I ate responsibly today” or my personal favourite, “I won't eat that as it's not going to help me reach my goals.” This kind of thinking helps us make good choices and can reframe our relationship with food. Research shows that positive expectations are associated with weight loss. Even if it feels a little silly, try telling yourself a least one positive affirmation a day. It will not only help you with your relationship with food, but also your relationship with yourself and in turn, others. 🙂
4. De-stress.
This time of year is full of fun, family and festivities, but can also be a busy and stressful time with present shopping, preparations, school holidays and Christmas get togethers. It's so important to incorporate ways to reduce stress during this time. A lot of stress can trigger increased eating or drinking as well as cravings, especially for sugary carbohydrates.
Do what you know calms or relaxes you. Here are some great ways to reduce stress, instead of reaching for the chocolate or biscuits.
  • 1. Lie down, be still, relax and take some deep breathes. 10 deep breathes will help calm your body back down.
  • 2. Meditate, read and pray.
  • 3. Listen to music.
  • 4. Get a massage.
  • 5. Take a walk or nap.
  • 6. Laugh! Laughing can reduce physical effects of stress.
  • 7. Drink tea. Drinking black tea leads to lower post-stress cortisol levels and greater feelings of relaxation.
  • 8. Exercise. The post-exercise endorphin rush is a great way of slashing stress, as well as providing unlimited other benefits.
  • 9. Join a church. Research shows that Christians (or religious people) were less stressed and are less likely to experience stress-related mental illness.
5. Get good sleep.
Try to go to bed and rise at the same time each day and aim for at least 7 - 8 hours sleep per night. Why?
Sleep is such an important part to our health, fitness and wellbeing. Getting enough sleep can help shave off some kilos, since sleep loss is linked to changes in appetite, and has also been associated with less weight gain.
Here are some tips for a good night's sleep:
  • 1. Have a regular sleep pattern.
  • 2. Avoid high fat foods at night.
  • 3. Don't have any light in your room. The darker the better.
  • 4. Minimise noise. Our subconscious focusses on any noise.
  • 5. Wind down. Have a bath, read a book, take deep breaths, relax.
  • 6. Switch off!! Turn off your phones and computers 30 - 60 mins before bed. This is a hard one but the screens actually promote wakefulness. Don't get in the habit of using these devices in bed if you can and it will help a lot.
6. Get moving and get functional.
Functional exercise has been shown to increase strength and balance and reduce risk of injury, all while working multiple muscle groups at the same time. It also means you can squeeze in an effective mid-Christmas-movie-marathon workout in a shorter amount of time. All that movement promotes muscle gain and over time, an increase in your metabolism. It's easy to use your bodyweight and you don't need a lot of space or time to work up a sweat. You can do exercise anywhere. Instead of sitting having a coffee at the park while your kids play, use that time to do some squats, lunges, push ups or step ups. Take the stairs instead of the lift, park further away and walk more. It's easy to incorporate incidental exercise into your day when you think of it. 🙂
7. Get accountable.
It has been proven time and time again that keeping yourself accountable for your health and fitness gives you a much better chance to achieve your goals and see results. So many people join a gym (like half of my clients) but then don't really go. Their main reason is because they have no motivation or accountability. That is why my job as a Professional Trainer is so important. Not only do I help motivate you and keep you on track, but relish in your successes as your reach your goals and enjoy a happy and healthy lifestyle.
There you have it. The great thing is, these aren't hard things to take on board, but can have a major impact on your future just by making some small changes.
I'd love to hear your thoughts & comments below, and of course if you have any questions feel free to leave them too!
Don't forget we're still running our *LIMITED TIME* offer of 14 days of unlimited group fitness sessions for only $14! What better way to get yourself ready for a new year than by kicking things into gear today!
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